Forest Advocacy

June 1st, 2009 Posted by 0 thoughts on “Forest Advocacy”

Sponsored HB 2914- fuel mitigation pilot programs for fire departments; Sponsored HB 3340- conveyance of state forest land in Cherokee County under control of the Texas A&M Board of Regents; Authored SB 1668- TDA Biomass program- legislation amended to ensure biomass fuel sources did not adversely affect other timber-product businesses; Protected use of timber for electric poles; Supported increase in funding of $7 million for Texas Wildfire Protection Plan; Supported increase in funding for Rural Volunteer Fire Dept. Insurance Program and Rural Fire Dept. Assistance Program; Fought legislation to require green building costs (81st Session)


Political Ad. Paid for by Robert Nichols for Texas Senate.

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Texas Sen. Robert Nichols is a devoted husband and father who shares our conservative East Texas values. Sen. Nichols cares deeply about Texas and our country.